
Westbourne Primary School

School Uniform

Our School Uniform will now be purchased online. To purchase uniform please visit:


For assistance with online purchasing, please download the help guide below.


We have recently made the change and put our school uniform online. We currently have very limited stock left in school which can still be purchased.


School Ties will not be available on the online shop but can be purchased at any time through the School Office. The office will also have a selection of the uniform for parents to try sizes before completing their orders online.


Please remember to name all uniform items.

The uniform list is kept as simple as possible and all the items on the list are readily available from the online store (see link above). Whilst Price and Buckland stock uniform with the school logo on some items, pupils are free to wear uniform without a logo that is purchased elsewhere, as long as it complies with the following specifications:


WINTER UNIFORM (Second Half of Autumn Term and Spring Term: Mid October to late March)

Black School shoes/Plain black trainers

Cardigans (Navy)

Jumper (Navy)

School ties 

Grey shorts/trousers

Navy/Grey skirts or pinafore dresses

White shirt/blouse

Book bags

School baseball/legionnaires cap (for sun protection when needed)

Black plimsolls

Nursery Polo Shirt

Nursery Sweatshirt

Headscarves worn for cultural or religious reasons should be plain navy or black.

Hair bands, slides and ribbons must be plain and keeping with school colours.


SUMMER UNIFORM (Summer Term and First Half of the Autumn Term: April - Mid October)

As above, but:

- No school tie

- White polo shirt

- Blue and white checked dress


P.E. Kit

On P.E. days, the children must come into school wearing their P.E. kit (in which they will stay all day). The school's P.E. kit comprises of: a white T-shirt, navy shorts, navy jogging bottoms, school jumper and a pair of trainers. Parents will be informed when their child has P.E. during the week. 


Indoor shoes

Children need to bring into school a pair of black slip-on plimsolls, but other soft indoor footwear may be acceptable. Please ensure that all items are named.


Lost Property

We have a lost property basket in the ‘waiting area’ outside the school office and anything found is placed there.


Second-hand Uniform Sale

The WFA regularly organises second-hand uniform sales every half term, providing cost-effective and sustainable options. 
