Staying safe online is very important! Please have a look at the poster and web links below to help you to stay safe when using the Internet:
This is what you learn about staying safe online in each year group. You will learn this in Computing lessons, but also in many other subjects where necessary, especially PSHCE.
Online Safety Summary for Nursery and Reception:
Can I understand there are rules to follow when I am online?
Online Safety Summary for Year 1:
Children understand the importance of keeping information, such as usernames and passwords, private and actively demonstrate this in lessons. Children take ownership of their work and save this in their own private space such as their Google Drive.
Online Safety Summary for Year 2:
Children know the implications of inappropriate online searches. Children begin to understand how things are shared electronically such as sending an email. They develop an understanding of using email safely and know ways of reporting inappropriate behaviours and content to a trusted adult.
Online Safety Summary for Year 3:
Children demonstrate the importance of having a secure password and not sharing this with anyone else. Furthermore, children can explain the negative implications of failure to keep passwords safe and secure. They understand the importance of staying safe and the importance of their conduct when using familiar communication tools. They know more than one way to report unacceptable content and contact.
Online Safety Summary for Year 4:
Children can agree sensible online safety rules for the classroom and at home. They can help others to understand the importance of online safety. Children know a range of ways of reporting inappropriate content and contact.
Online Safety Summary for Year 5:
Children have a secure knowledge of common online safety rules and can apply this by demonstrating the safe and respectful use of a few different technologies and online services. Children relate appropriate online behaviour to their right to personal privacy and mental wellbeing of themselves and others. They can identify levels of online risk and question the reliability of information from online sources.
Online Safety Summary for Year 6:
Children demonstrate the safe and respectful use of a range of different technologies and online services. They identify more discreet inappropriate behaviours through developing critical thinking. They recognise the value in preserving their privacy when online for their own and other people’s safety.