
Westbourne Primary School

New Starters - September 2024

A very warm welcome to all our Nursery and Reception September 2024 families!

We are delighted to welcome you to Westbourne and can’t wait to meet you all!

Please find below some information you might find useful in preparation for your child starting with us in September.


We hope you all have a lovely summer holiday and look forward to seeing you at your home visit and ‘Stay and Play’ sessions at the start of the Autumn term.

Nursery Documents

Reception Documents

A message from the School Nurse.


The School Nursing team will be offering a regular telephone clinic every Tuesday throughout the summer holidays between 10:00 - 13:00. Parents / carers are able to call the admin team on 020 8770 5409 during office hours (09:00 - 17:00) Monday to Friday to book an appointment for a telephone call on the following Tuesday. 
