
Westbourne Primary School


  • Westbourne Mayor Elected

    Fri 20 May 2016

    Huge congratulations to Kian (Y6, Tay Class) on being elected Westbourne Mayor! Kian and Macey (Y6, Tay Class) won the elections as Leader and Deputy of the Eco Party.

    Many congratulations to Joseph (Y6, Tay Class) and Soryin (Y5, Derwent Class) - representing the Health for Happiness Party - and to Jasmine (Y6, Tay Class) and Rahavan (Y5, Derwent Class) - representing the Business Party - for a worthy campaign.

    All Westbourne children (Nursery to Y6) voted very competently by using their ballot paper after an intense political campaign by the three parties running for election.

    Many thanks to Mrs Rident for organising it all!

  • Westbourne Mayor Elections!

    Thu 05 May 2016

    The Westbourne mayor elections have begun! Each of the three party leaders made speeches in assembly today. Now all the teachers and children need to decide who they wish to vote for in the election on Thursday 19th ​​​May! Have a look at the photos below of the Eco, Health for Happiness and Business party leaders and deputies. Look for them around school during campaign week to find out more! 
