
Westbourne Primary School


  • Japan Taiko Drum Dancers Visit

    Tue 22 Sep 2015

    We were very privileged to welcome a Japanese Taiko Drum Dancers group and two Samurai Characters on Monday 21st September. The Izaku Drum Dancers from Kagoshima in southern Japan continue a tradition passed down through many generations. They performed a vigorous victory dance of Shimazu Hisayoshi dating from 1406 with the dancers closely resembling warriors of the time. Each drum dancer was wearing a banner of bamboo and paper, 2.5 m tall, strapped to his back, adorned with the black tail feathers of the Satsuma rooster, whilst beating a drum fixed to his chest. Each outfit weighed nearly 20 kilos! The dance is performed each year on 28 August at Minami Kata Shrine by one of six groups. This year, it was the turn of the group from Iriki.

    The children were utterly mesmerised by the performance!

    Alongside the taiko drum dancers, two famous Samurai characters delighted the Year 2 children with a ritualised battle. A memorable day for everyone!

    Check out the Gallery page for more photos!
